
Is Semen Good For Your Skin?

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is semen good for your skin

Ever hear the urban legend that sperm is good for your skin? It's been doing the rounds for longer than we can remember, and so nosotros decided to you the lowdown on whether on not it's actually skilful for your skin…

What Sperm Can Do For You

If the idea of using semen on your pare seems foreign, especially if you don't swallow or like to continue cum on your trunk after getting down and dirty with your man, you might wonder why in the world someone would put semen on their skin. In that location are a number of urban legends effectually using semen topically. According to some people, semen can:

  • Moisturize your skin
  • Fight off wrinkles
  • Add poly peptide to your skin
  • Act as an antioxidant
  • Tone skin with urea, 1 of its ingredients
  • Provide general anti-aging benefits

Some people likewise testify that sperm contains ingredients such as oxytocin and prolactin that tin human action as mood boosters. Yes, that'southward the same oxytocin equally released when cuddling. More here. According to research, women who absorb semen vaginally – IE when non utilize a condom – reported less issues with depression than women who had sexual activity with condoms. This is due to the presence of chemicals such as endorphins, estrone, prolactin, oxytocin, thyrotrpin-releasing hormone, and serotonin in semen, which contains but 3% sperm, that'due south absorbed vaginally..

Is Sperm Skilful For Your Peel? These People Say "Yes"

what happens if you leave sperm on your skin

Most of the proponents of semen being expert for your skin are non doctors or scientists. They're simply celebrities looking for 15 (more) minutes of fame. Amid the list of people who have made such a claim are actress Heather Locklear, who manages to look amazingly young even though she'due south older than half a century, singer Liz Phair and Tracy Kiss. Tracy is infamous for writing about how she uses semen as a facial mask to gainsay stress of being a mother, aging and even a form of rosacea.

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According to Tracy, who wrote a long blog mail about her weekly facials, she prefers semen as an organic and cruelty-gratuitous option to harsher skin products that strip layers of cells likewise as moisture from the peel. She mixes lavender essential oil and egg whites to create the mask. After massaging it into her skin, she lets it sit for 15 minutes and rinses with warm water. Source.

Tracy reports receiving many comments and positives thoughts from other people who already used semen as a pare treatment or were encouraged to exercise and then after reading her site. However, these are all anecdotal reports.

Even Television bear witness Nip/Tuck, which is most doctors who perform plastic surgery on patients who desire to stay young forever, talks about a fictitious dazzler product that contains semen.

Finally, the Norwegian company Bioforskning, which makes Spermine, make extreme claims that their production tin reduce aging of the skin upwards to 20%. They as well claim that Spermine is 30 times more than constructive than Vitamin E, which y'all might already apply to fade marks on your skin and keep it soft and moist. Source.

It's like shooting fish in a barrel to wonder "Is semen good for your skin?" with and so many people willing to sell united states this story, merely like many sex activity questions, you'll want to do your inquiry first!

is cum good for your skinIs Semen Good for Your Skin, Really?

In a Vice study, testing the hypothesis that sperm is good for your skin, the female participant did report skin that seemed moist; however, that wasn't the only effect of using semen on her pare. Information technology also caused her to intermission out. This is likely considering of the testosterone content in the semen as testosterone contributes toward acne.

It'southward unlikely that you lot'll be okay with unsightly blemishes on your skin just for a niggling moisturizer, specially when you tin use products that volition keep your skin moist and toned without causing breakouts or while actively fighting acne if your skin is prone to breaking out.

In fact, one doctor replied to probing questions about the benefits of a semen facial by expressing doubtfulness that there are whatever benefits at all and warning against the negatives that tin can happen if you decide to endeavor this pare regimen. Source. Despite this, both teenagers and adults frequently ask Dr. Kirby whether semen can exist beneficial to their skin.

Dr. Kirby worries that the type of STIs that tin can exist spread through contact to bodily fluids could be spread via absorption through the thin membranes in the face. Nosotros're non just talking nigh cold sores caused by herpes Simplex 1. Even your optics could become vulnerable to chlamydia.

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Another concern is that any person who treats themselves with semen could have or develop a reaction to some of its ingredients. This happens commonly enough that there's a name for the condition: human seminal plasma protein hypersensitivity. Dr. Kirby goes on to explain that while some of the ingredients in semen are generally good to eat, slathering them on your skin doesn't necessarily produce desirable effects.

Does this mean you lot should exist swallowing your man's cum to reap the benefits for your skin? Not so fast! Only Ask Alice explains how you would need to consumegallonsof that stuff every day to run into any perks, and you're better off eating a healthy diet, instead. Source.

Even if semen somehow was an adequate source for those ingredients, it would be virtually impossible to estimate their measurements considering each man's state of health and ejaculate differs. Ultimately, there'southward a reason why but outlandish celebrities and fanatical personalities online and in the tabloids boast about the wellness benefits of semen for their skin – considering no professional will put their name on the line when it comes to such dubious science.

The myths aren't simply about cum, either. Bank check out these myths about pre-cum and this infographic detailing some common myths near blowjobs.

And then the reality is that any negatives from using semen on your peel probably negate or outweigh the positive, but this shouldn't terminate you lot from getting a splash of your man'south cum on your face if you find that hot. You don't need a reason to perform oral, however! Do it because you dearest it. Check out this guide for more oral sex tips. Need help swallowing? We've got tips for that, also!

If y'all practise want to attempt a semen facial, that's upwards to you. Just be prepared to deal with breakouts and potential reactions if your skin doesn't like being covered in someone else'due south cum. Call back that the oxytocin and other chemicals released during sexual practice already have skin benefits. Source.

On the other hand, science shows estrogen can exist beneficial to wounds and skin tone when used topically, and your human can go enough of that by spending fourth dimension between your legs!

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