Summary :

Windows 11 skin pack

Practice you want to download Windows 11 skin pack and use it to make your Pc look like Windows eleven? In this post, MiniTool Partition Wizard will tell you what Windows xi skin packs you demand, where to download them, and how to use them.

Quick Navigation :

  • Method 1. Apply Pare Pack Software
  • Method 2. Install Windows 11 Skin Pack for Free
  • User Comments

Microsoft has appear Windows eleven simply this stable operating organisation is non available until the terminate of this year.

If you don't want to try the Windows Insider Build, or your PC doesn't meet Windows 11 requirements, y'all can use Windows 11 pare pack to make your Windows PC look like Windows 11. Then, you can use the following ii means to complete this task.

Note: Using these methods has the risk of PC corruption. You should make a restore indicate first, so that you tin can restore your PC when it really crashes.

How to Download & Install Windows 11 on Your Figurer? [5 Means]

Method one. Use Peel Pack Software

This method is the well-nigh user-friendly mode to make Windows PC expect like Windows eleven. You but need to:

  • Download Windows pare pack from This website offers two options for you: ane is free but merely contains Windows eleven themes; the other is not gratuitous but offer Windows icon components. Please notation that this software supports Windows 10 21H1 system.
  • Run the SkinPack Windows 11.sfx program and enter password. It will give you the real SkinPack Windows 11 program.
  • Run the SkinPack Windows eleven program, and then it will supersede the current Windows appearance with Windows xi appearance without needing you to practice whatsoever other operations. After the program finishes its chore, it will restart PC.
run SkinPack Windows 11

How to Customize Windows eleven to Let Information technology Look Similar Windows 10?

Method two. Install Windows xi Skin Pack for Costless

Footstep 1: Download SecureUxTheme latest version (y'all can likewise employ UltrauxThemePatcher, but SecureUxTheme is newer and safer).

Footstep ii: Create an account on Deviantart's website and then download Windows xi for Windows x by niivu and Windows 11 icon themes by niivu from Deviantart's website. Then, unzip the 2 files.

download Windows 11 themes

Step 3: Run SecureUxTheme (ThemeTool.exe) as administrator. Click the Install push in the Installation section. After the installation is completed, click Yeah to confirm PC reboot.

Pace iv: Open the Windows eleven for Windows 10 > Windows 10 Themes binder, and then re-create all files in this folder to C:\Windows\Resources\Themes.

open Themes folder in Windows 10

Step five: Close SecureXTheme and run it as administrator over again. Choose a Windows 11 theme in the left box and click Patch and apply push button.

patch and apply a Windows 11 theme

Step 6: Download 7TSP GUI 2019 Edition from and unzip it. Open the folder and you lot will find a file. Delight rename "ee" to "exe" so run this plan.

Step 7: Get to Windows 11 Icons Theme > 7TSP Themes for Windows 10 1903 and college folder. Remove each file's extra file extension (.remove).

change file extension

Step 8: In the 7TSP programme, click Add a Custom Pack button and choose a 7TSP icon file. Then, click Start Patching button. Click Yes to ostend beginning. Then, click Yes to confirm PC reboot.

start patch icon theme with 7TSP

Now, your desktop will look different—it's a hybrid of Windows 10 and Windows 11. Merely to brand your Windows 10 look more similar Windows eleven, you lot also need other software, including:

  • OldNewExplorer: Modify the content displayed by the file explorer.
  • StartIsBack: Custom startmenu & taskbar.

These tools will make your PC expect like Windows 11. Merely if you start customizing PC, making it expect similar another Windows system is not a proficient option. Really, you can apply Rainmeter to brand more awesome PC appearance.

customize windows 10 thumbnail

This post shows y'all how to customize Windows 10, including theme customization, desktop customization, Outset card customization, and taskbar customization.